Have you ever been into a situation where you felt hopeless and you just felt like pressing the reset button so you could have a fresh start and move on with your life?
No matter how petty it may seem to others, let's admit it. We have experienced feeling trapped in a messy situation and all we could do is wish it'll come to a quick end.
If this is how you feel, think of Zacchaeus. Yep, he was that little man who climb that sycamore tree to see Jesus. (Luke 19:1-10) Zacchaeus was the tax collector whom people despised. Nobody wanted to listen to him because of who he was, his past, and his negative disposition. On the other hand, he was also that man who was so desperate to have a companion because he wanted someone to listen to him.
Have you ever found yourself in the same situation? Think: Misunderstood. Alone. Hopeless.
Be encouraged! Realize that JESUS MEETS YOU EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE. (v. 5) Jesus knows the exact spot where to meet you, just like what happened with Zacchaeus. He clearly knows His purpose. At that moment, His purpose was to reach out to Zacchaeus. He knows what you need. In that situation, Jesus knew that Zacchaeus needed a friend. Knowing these, we got to be keen and very discerning because Jesus meets us in different ways. He meets us through His Word. He may use the verses in the Bible to enlighten us. He meets us through the people around us. He uses our parents, friends, disciplers, etc., to meet us. He meets us through the circumstances we face. We go through situations not because it is simply a part of our course in life. There is a reason why we go through it and one of those reasons is for us to encounter our Lord.
When discouraged, realize that you are not alone. If you feel condemned and down the dumps, think: JESUS IS A FRIEND TO SINNERS. (v.7) Jesus never chose those righteous men. He wasn't surrounded by perfect people, instead He reached out to the unclean, those who were branded negatively... those who were troubled, those who were set apart from the rest for negative reasons. You and I have a friend in Jesus.
It is funny how the world can be cruel to men. One mistake and that's it. You're knocked out. It's like you're damned forever with no hopes for change. It's different with our Lord. JESUS BRINGS HOPE FOR CHANGE...AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE.(v.8) There's an open door so one can turn around and have a new start. Isn't that great?
And so you feel you're into deep trouble and that nothing can reverse the situation, don't be hopeless. JESUS BRINGS THE POWER OF SALVATION. (vv.9-10) He can save you spiritually for He offers eternal life, just as long as you accept Him as Your Lord and Savior. He can save you financially, mend broken relationships, heal you when you're sick, and complete you when you're lonely. He can save you from all these worries.
No matter how bad life treats you, no matter how pathetic you may be, and no matter how negatively people view you, know that God provides a room for change. The challenge is, will you grab the opportunity to change? Remember: CHANGE HAPPENS WHEN CHRIST MEETS YOU. Grab that opportunity for that is the reset button that you are waiting for.
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