Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bring on the Thunder

It's raining here and for the past 5 minutes, the thunder has roared for approximately 5 times as well. I was a bit in denial earlier but now I'm sure that I'm scared of thunder. Yeah, I know it's but sound. Fact remains that my heart skip / bungee jump big time from my chest when I hear the thunder!

Been through a lot today. School year 2010- 2011 finally commenced today. I stood up most of the time and I started my day kind of unprepared. Thank God, I survived this day.

Back at home, everyone has a tantrum / thing against each other. Yeah, it's one of those days when you simply opt to shut up and avoid each other so as not to provoke each other. Yeah, talk about a day full of challenges.

Anyway, time check: it's already 9:09pm and I'm tucked in my bed. Off to dreamland I go with the hopes that tomorrow will be way better than today.

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