Thursday, July 15, 2010


Sometimes I worry about my single state but most of the time, I find myself enjoying the fact that I'm alone. Some thing is bothering me. Well, I have been single for so long mainly because I had to take care of so many things and I just enjoyed my singlehood so much - no one to take care of, no responsibilities and no accountabilities. However, lately, there are these two guys who occupy my mind. My friend call them as my quasi-boyfriends. You see, thanks to technology, the world seems way smaller now and everything seems so accessible. These two guys are from two different continents. One is from Brazil and the other is from Italy. Both are decent and in terms of presentability, both will definitely pass this criterion with flying colors. Mr. Brazil is a punk rock / reggae singer sporting a long back haircut while Mr. Italy is an IT specialist sporting a clean, crisp corporate look. Both guys have been spending time for me. Mr. Brazil even tries his best to improve his English language skills to keep in touch. He even buys credits just to call me on my mobile. On the other hand, Mr. Italy, who's currently in my country, kept me company when I was sick and is asking for an opportunity to meet up on person. Both guys are charismatic. They are so fun to talk to and I admit that I truly enjoy the attention I'm getting. However, I'm torn. My mind is going against my heart. Should I take a risk and give love a chance? Am I in for serious trouble once I open my heart to this? What are the chances that this is for real? And the best question of it all is, do they share the same belief as I do that God gave Jesus to us to die on the cross and save us from our sins? These are yet to be answered... I am anxious to know. Could this be it or is this just another addition to my long list of male companions?

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